Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dog eat dog world

Simba and Onix spent almost everyday in August and September at the dog park. We were told that socializing dogs at an early age is of the essence so we wanted to make sure that our pups grew up healthy. Onix outran a greyhound and then wiped out on a rock. Ouch. Poor pup. he was a little timid after that happened. Simba was the typical Shiba Inu because he was aloof and mostly on his own. However, he has found a few friends who he goes crazy for. When he sees these dogs at the park he jumps, runs and acts like a kid in a candy store. It is priceless. He has gotten cuter and cuter.
One thing I can say about the dog park is that there are a few unstable dogs and unstable owners. This often leads to conflict involving profanities and dog bites.
What's up with eating wood chips though? I thought we were feeding him enough and he has tasted all the treats imaginable. But the wood chips never fail. Sure, I understand that he is teething but eating a ton of wood chips just gives him other problems. Wood chips never solve a thing!

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